

We offer a number of classes and activities for adults.

Bible class meets at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday during the school year.

LifeLight Bible studies are nine-week classes which are more in-depth than Sunday mornings. THis Tuesday evening study is done twice each year with one beginning in September and the other in late February. (Watch calendar for exact dates.)

Saturday mornings finds a group of men eating and studying the Bible at Allie's Cafe. This group meets September through May at 6:30 a.m. Anyone is welcome to attend.

W.O.R.D. (Women of Our Redeemer Dedicated) is our women's group which connects spritual, service, and social activities. All women of the congregation are automatically a part of W.O.R.D. and other women are always welcome to join them.

Quilting is open to anyone interested in fellowship and the creation of quilts to be given to Lutheran World Relief for people in need of basic daily provisions throughout the world.

Euchre- Women gather on the last Friday of each month at 1:00 p.m. for fellowship and fun in the playing of this card game.
